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"Yoga is the journey of the Self, through the self, to the Self."

The Bhagavad Gita


It took me a long time to understand the quote above.  It actually took me years of yoga practice before I fully understood what yoga is really about.


Yoga is the process of getting to know ourselves better.  Yoga is the process of getting comfortable in our own skin, and learning to love and accept ourselves, just as we are.


Most people come to yoga because they want to get more flexible, feel healthier, stronger, and to reduce stress.  The great news is that yoga helps with all of these things, and so much more.


And even more great news is that yoga is for absolutely anyone and everyone - every age, gender, body shape, fitness level.  You definitely do not need to be able to touch your toes to come to a yoga class.  Or even your knees.  If you can breathe, if you can feel your body, then you can do yoga.


Class terms generally run in line with the East Lothian school terms.  We often take breaks over the school holiday periods.  Over the summer break, a reduced class schedule operates.


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Child's Pose


There are many different styles of yoga and the format of classes will vary with each style.


But to give you a rough idea, you will be led through a series of movements (postures) designed to stretch, strengthen and detoxify the body.  The postures in yoga should never be painful, and modifications should be given for individual student's requirements.  You will encouraged to focus your awareness on your body, and you will learn how to control your breath - often matching the rhythm of the breath to the movements of the body.

The class normally ends with a guided relaxation (a posture called Savasana) which is extremely beneficial and helps you get the most out of your yoga practice.

Classes are normally done in bare feet and on yoga mats, but some classes may also be done seated in a chair. 



There are many different styles of yoga out there - some strong and physically challenging, some gentle and meditative and lots that fall somewhere in between.  If you are unsure about which class is right for you, the best thing to do is to contact the teacher beforehand, and better still try out a few different classes.  As well as the style of class, finding the right teacher is also important in yoga.  Everyone connects in different ways, and it is good to find a teacher that you feel some kind of connection with.  You should leave a class feeling encouraged, inspired and uplifted.


Here are some types of classes currently on offer at The Yoga Den.


Head Stand Pose


Ashtanga yoga is known as one of the stronger, more physically challenging styles of yoga, and is amazing for building strength in the body (especially core strength), improving flexibility and clearing the mind.  The class follows a set sequence of postures, and the idea is that as the sequence is learned, then we can turn our awareness more fully inwards and the practice becomes a moving meditation.
At The Yoga Den we have beginners-level ashtanga classes, right up to the advanced-level Full Primary Series class, which is an intense and powerful 90 minute class.  
A basic requirement for beginners ashtanga is that participants should be able to get themselves up and down off the floor.  For the Full Primary Series class, a good level of physical fitness is required and some experience of ashtanga yoga is recommended.



Yoga is for everyone, and a chair-based class is perfect for anyone with reduced mobility, long-term health conditions, plus-sized people, and anyone who has some difficulty getting up and down off the floor.


Most of the class is based in the chair, but we also incorporate standing postures to improve mobility, strength and balance, and for those that are able, we move down to the floor towards the end of the class (the whole class can be done in a chair for those that require it), and we end with a lovely guided relaxation.


Warrior One


This is a vinyasa style class, loosely based on the ashtanga system but with lots of variations, energising and movements and fun challenges.  This is a medium level class and a fair degree of physical fitness is required.

Yoga at Home


In these 4 or 5 week courses, we build up from the very foundations of yoga to safely introduce you to the basics of postures, the importance of the breath, and the joy of relaxation.  Highly recommended for anyone starting their yoga journey, or for anyone wishing to revisit the basics.

Iyengar Yoga


Men tend to be less naturally flexible than women, so in men/s yoga we can utilise props (such as blocks and straps) to make some of the postures more accessible.


Yoga is brilliant for safely improving flexibility, core strength, improving back pain.  Yoga is also great for helping to clear the mind and manage stress, and the men's class is a friendly, informal and non-threatening space to allow men to connect with themselves in a way that is sometimes hard to come by in our modern society. 

Yoga with Props


A class to find depth within stillness through passive held, supported postures and deep breathing techniques. These classes help to build flexibility and mobility, as well as mental clarity and resilience to stress. Yin tends to utilise props such as blocks, bolsters and blankets to help the postures feel a bit more supported so you can soften into them more.


These classes, although relaxing, can be quite tough. We are asked to sit with our thoughts, emotions, and any tensions within the posture that we may encounter. The more we practice, the wider our stress threshold becomes, making us much more adaptable and less affected by stress within our lives. This type of practice can be deeply relaxing and restorative in nature.

Kundalini Yoga Class


Kundalini Yoga is a powerful, holistic yoga practice including breathwork, physical sets and deep meditation practices that boost our energy, increase our strength and flexibility, gradually clear the mind and connect us more closely to our intuition.


It still involves physical movements, but they aren’t the primary focus. This is different from hatha or vinyasa yoga, for example, which both revolve around physical poses.


Kundalini yoga is also more precise and repetitive. Whereas other types of yoga flow with your breath, Kundalini yoga combines chanting, singing, movements, and breathing in specific patterns.



Seasonal Yoga flow is a balanced style of  Yoga that is designed to align you with the changing energies of nature and the seasons.

A practice that improves physical strength and flexibility and brings balance and harmony to your life.


The concept was created in 1995 by Julie Hanson and Sue Woodd as an antidote to the stress and anxiety of modern life.

It combines Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Kung and a modern understanding about body movement, with Traditional Chinese Medicine ideas about the changing nature of the seasons around us, and within.

Ashtanga Yoga


Combining the softness and meditative qualities of Yin with Vinyasa Flow. This type of Yoga will help you connect with your breath, let go of tension and find space and ease in your movements and within your mind. 


Flowing through a series of postures, finding balance and stillness within some, and easeful effort through others. This combination of softness and effort will help to improve our mobility within our bodies while promoting a calmness and stillness within the mind.

The Yoga Den, The Mart, Haddington Road, East Linton, East Lothian, Scotland, EH40 3DN


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